
Tagged by Myrthestiek, who asked me to tell about an ordinary day. So I picked yesterday.

6:30 am Woken up by Dory who jumps into my bed. While she is playing with some soft toys, I do some reading.
7:30 am The alarmclock goes off.
7:45 am We really go out of bed, take a shower, get dressed, arrange the breakfast table, tell my youngest son where to find his planner, PE kit, tie, football boots and so on.
8:30 am The boys leave home for school. While having my own breakfast, I run through dozens of emails and have a look at Ravelry.
9:15 am Dory and I leave home and walk to her preschool.
10:00 am Back home again. Time for my first cup of coffee of the day (Starbucks Christmas blend) and to answer and write some mails. Later I start to prepare some orders and have more coffee. In between I do some knitting on these socks.

Lozenge socks, using the yarn I got from Johanna in my Vintage Socks parcel.
12:00 Collecting Dory. She has had a good time at preschool. We walk to a busstop for a bus going to Northwich.
1:15 pm After paying in some cheques and buying sewing notions at the market, we are having lunch at Bratts, because of the 'cute fairy lunchboxes'.
2:45 pm Back from Sainsbury's it appears we've just missed the hourly bus to Chester that would have brought us close to home. We don't want to wait another hour, so we catch a bus that will bring us as far as Greenbank.
3.35 pm Back home again. Making some tea, Jerrold comes home from school.
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Doing a lot of things, like answering phone calls, answering more emails, tidy up the messy place a bit, reading D. a story. Reese comes home from school.
5:30 pm Cooking an early dinner.
6:00 pm We eat :-).
6:30 pm Jerrold leaves for a meeting of the Air cadets. Reese and I do the tidying up, loading the dish washer and some cleaning.
7:30 am - 8:30 am Bath, story and bedtime for Dory.
8:30 - 10:30 am Doing the last bits and pieces for my UK swap partner. At least everything is boxed and the address is printed. Coming your way right now Scarlettina! I was supposed to keep my identity secret, but googlemail acted up and displayed my name spontaneously as I forgot to check on the settings first.
10:30 pm - 1:30 am I do some knitting and some reading before going to bed.

Althouh I am curious to know how your day was, I'm not going to tag anyone :-)


Myrthestiek said…
So great to read. It seemed so organized your day(s). When I think of our chaos sometimes :oD.
Een famke said…
Ha herken ik daar een wolletje?

Lekkere dag zo< wie weet laat ik ook nog wel eens een dagje van mezelf zien!

Anonymous said…
leuk om te lezen, mischien dat ik binnenkort ook een dagje plaats op mijn blog!

Groetjes Serajah

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