Top down jumper of odd balls

A large part of my stash are the only skeins of a kind. Pretty colours, though not enough to knit a larger project. And how many hats does one need? So I decided to combine some yarns. This jumper is the outcome. Size: 5 years (oversized, I like it when she has some use of it a bit longer).

For the top part I used the combination of the PIF wool I got from Christien -50 grams of each colourway- and the 2 balls of red Rowan Pure Wool DK I'd stashed.
I liked the idea of a girly finishing and that's when the Veeler Wolletje of Tessa came in.

Dory is very pleased with this 'Princess Jumper' as she calls it.


Myrthestiek said…
What a beauty came out of all the odd balls. No wonder D. feels like a princes in it :oD.
Anonymous said…
Very cute especially on her. :) (pinkknitting on ravelry)
Een famke said…

Wat een bijzonder resultaat zeg, prachtig!
Het staat haar ook erg mooi!

BabyLongLegs said…
Beautiful jumper :)
Of course its a princess jumper!!! All the most important Princesses wear beautiful mamaknit jumpers.....

Wish i had a princess to knit for....all my boys want are hats!!!

Sarah xXx
Anonymous said…
waw,dat is leuk!!!
MorganMagic said…

I lack the nerve to try things like that, I'm to unsure of myself colourwise ;)
Anonymous said…
prachtig resultaat. Het ziet er schitterend uit.

En alweer krijg ik goesting om ook zoiets te breien, maar ik vrees dat mijn jongens dit niet gaan dragen :)
Ang said…
That is a beautiful jumper, just right for little princesses.
I love it the colors are gorgeous!!! Hugs Darcy
Line said…
Wat een geweldig resultaat en dat met allemaal verschillende soorten wol. Terecht een prinsessenjumper.
Anonymous said…
Heel erg mooi!!!

Groetjes Serajah
Irma said…
Wat wordt D. toch groot!

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