Another PIF package received!

This afternoon I got another PIF package. This one came from Christien. She has really spoiled me, made me the most nice pressies.
All gifts were put in this bag, isn't that a neat cable? These little bags always come in handy as I've so many projects at the same time on the needles.
My little princess (today she was princess instead of sheep) could hardly wait to unwrap everything. Actually, she did not wait at all.

She immidiately decided the stickers were hers.

Close up of the lovely hand dyed wool

And the cute stitch markers... Christien must have known I collect them!

Almost everything but the stickers (they were already in use. Attached to the buggy, in the castle and to the swing-go).
The green item on the photo is a very gorgeous hand knit hairband. I really can use that!

Thanks so much, Christien!


Een famke said…
Ik ben blij dat alles goed ontvangen is! Ik vond het leuk om met je te piffen, cadeautjes krijgen maar ook maken en weggeven is zo heerlijk om te doen....

She spoiled you;)love everything you received how much time and thought she put into your pkg she is very sweet:)Darcy
Myrthestiek said…
Wat een heerlijke verwennerij. Prachtig tasje!
MorganMagic said…
pràchtige spulletjes!
Ang said…
oh lovely gifts, lucky you.

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