Random Acts of Kindness

What can I tell about this group on Ravelry. This group is for giving without expecting anything in return, and possibly receiving gifts that you don't deserve!

Today I received a wonderful gift from Morgan, a set of books. The Amber books are for Reese as he has his Dutch exam in May and reading some Dutch will be a benefit for him. Though it is very weird to read some fragments in Dutch when you just have read the English version for the second time.
The other book, Ancestors of Avalon by Diana L. Paxson is for me. I love reading fantasy.
Morgan, thanks so much, you rock!


MorganMagic said…
you're most welcome! enjoy the reading, I'm happy to spread the fantasy virus (you had it already, but a boost is always welcome)
Myrthestiek said…
What a great gifts. Enjoy the lovely books.
Terese said…
Fantasy is the best! That's almost the only genre in my bookshelf! I've never read the Avalon books though, have to try them some day.

RAK is wonderful! I'm soon about to send out a few packages myself, and I hope they'll brighten someones day. :)
You have no idea how happy Iam to be able to read your blog again.The things that have always made me smile the joys of everyday routines.Hugs BFF Darcy

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