Vintage socks

Not the most beautiful photo, I know... These are the Child's French Socks I made Tessa in the '(handmade item for) Mamma swap'. Used yarn is 75% BFL/ 25% nylon, dyed in pink and lavender.


Myrthestiek said…
Oooh, I can hardly wait for it to arrive ;o). They are stunning; love the colors. So girly. Thank you so much.
Een famke said…
Pretty!!! Tessa can be so happy!

I am olmost done for the swap aswell...

Ang said…
They look wonderfully cosy and really pretty.
ziarah said…
These looks lovely! That book of patterns is great - I have it too :)
(I'm ziarah from Ravelry RAK forums btw - I've linked to your blog from mine)
Anonymous said…

Groetjes Serajah

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