Make my day!

I have been awarded the "Make my Day" by the brilliant Angie of Jazzycrafts. Thank you so much, you did make my day!

The Blurb...

"Give the award to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times."

Before I begin listing 10, let it be known that you all make my day!

Darcy at Darcy's Knotty Knitter for being a wonderful friend,

Tessa at Myrthestiek because of her pleasant posts on her blog and her emails,

Morgan at Dromen van Avalon because I have found in her a soulmate and a friend,

Annemarie at Wollekje because of a wonderful magic ball swap, I still enjoy a pair of cosy socks :),

Ailsa at Not Enough Time to Craft for spending some great time together,

Marjon at Made by Mama for the pictures of her beautiful little daughter,

Christien at Famke's Frutsels for her kindness (PIF),

Olga of Olgiesblog because it is a lot of fun to read her blog,

Rae at Rae knits n Wa because of her enjoyable blog,

Last, but definitely not least Sarah at Babylonglegs for her most inspiring blog.

Pass it on girls, spread the love...


MorganMagic said…
thank you so much! I am glad to have found you too!!! xxx
Thankyou for including me as a person who makes your day:) you um... spelled it Darcy knittyknotty in your
Your so cute.Huggers
~RaenWa~ said…
thank you for the award I gave you one to thanks for thinking of me
BabyLongLegs said…
An award right back atcha Lizet :)
Thankyou for mine....... *blushes*

Sarah xXx
Een famke said…
Kijk dit berichtje had ik gekgenoeg over het hoofd gezien, maar dankjewel, hartstikke lief!
Myrthestiek said…
Thank you so much *kiss*. I will blog about it as soon as I can.

Love Tessa

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