Topic of the week #3: Project Process

Q: What is your process when planning a project? Do you shop for yarn and then find a suitable pattern? Do you find your pattern and then go out to buy the yarn? Or are you stash-busting? If your stash is out of control, how did it get that way?

A: Mostly I don't do any planning at all. When I am looking for a project, I have my Ravelry queue to browse, my huge stash of pattern print outs or a few knitting books. And this 'looking for' can take so much time, I'd better cast on some project and just start knitting. I have enough yarn in my stash to choose from or to dye up in the colours I like.
I seldom shop for any particular yarn, but when I am in a yarn shop, it often happens there is some yarn I cannot resist, although I don't know any use for it (yet). I bring it home just to add it to my stash. And that is how my stash is getting out of control (well, it still fits in one room, not bad at all), do I have to tell more?


Darcys Knotty Knitter said…
Iam stash busting right now knitting a blanket from the very first yarn I ever bought when first starting Darcy

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