Another RAK parcel

Early this morning a box, stuffed to the nose, arrived at our home. It came from Afton, who granted my wish for fantasy books for my sons. 22 of Piers Anthony and 1 of Lloyd Alexander. And as a surprise she sent me also a whole lot of Spinnerin Sheer Delight (95.5% virgin wool/ 4.5% mirlon. Okay, that's it, I'll finally have to knit one of those gorgeous shawls I see everywhere.

Thank you so much Afton!


Myrthestiek said…
Your sons have their work cut out (read, read, read) :o).

Beautiful yarn you got; Love the color.
I love Piers Anthony, I think I have 3 or 4 of his but borrowed the rest from the library:)
~RaenWa~ said…
My boyfriend loves reading Piers Anthony he got a great deal on a bunch of his books on Ebay last yr
Yeah you get to knit a shawl;)How sweet of this person to gift you so wonderfully:)Hugs darcy
Anonymous said…
You were spoiled!!! (pinkknitting on ravelry)
MorganMagic said…
nice to be spoiled, just enjoy!!!
Ang said…
What a great collection of books, looking forward to seeing the shawl.

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