
Remember the handspun I got from Sarah? It is dyed. The colours are the result of a collab between my daughter and me. She preferred actually far more pink, but as pretty much of her jumpers are in pink, I convinced her another colour would also be nice. She came up with blue with a bit pink and violet. I think she has chosen well.

Handspun BFL/Corriedale by Babylonglegs, hand dyed in shades of blue, periwinkle, pink and violet. The matching solid skein is periwinkle.

What will become of this? It will be stashed for some time now as there are many other projects that need to done and/or finished. And when all is done? Well, might be a hoodie.


Dawn said…
Very pretty...Dory and you did a great job! Its so fun when they enjoy doing stuff with you. I love when Jimmy will sit and knit with me...not very often now because he's addicted to the computer!:) Have a great day!
Myrthestiek said…
It looks so beautiful; well done both of you! Don't stash it too long :D
BabyLongLegs said…
Beautiful dye job!!!
I agree with Tessa, please don't stash it for too long....its telling me it wants to be made into something original and wonderful!

Sarah xXx
Olga said…
So nice to do together and with great result!

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