We all stand together

It's more 'hang together' here. On the sofa. Dory not feeling well, me neither. Having some kind of a cold. Or a flu. So we did some browsing on youtube for nice video's and stumbled upon this one.

She loves it! We have seen and heard all versions of 'the frog song' several times now... rabbit, rabbit!


Een famke said…
OOOOH ik heb zulke goede herinneringen aan dit clipje, oudejaarsavond met zijn allen voor de buis!
heb met veel plezier weer even gekeken.
ik hoop dat je meid weer snel opknapt!

Marbada said…
Die is bij ons zo'n 16 jaar geleden helemaal grijs gedraaid.
We hadden m toen opgenomen op video. En ik kan er nog steeds van genieten, zodra ik de beginnoten hoor zie ik het filmpje weer voor me. Zo hebben ze ook, en nog steeds, Muppets Christmas Carrol helemaal grijs gedraaid.
Heel veel beterschap!!
Myrthestiek said…
Love the song and the clip.
Get well soon both of you.
BabyLongLegs said…
Awwh......hope you guys feel better soon... (((HUG)))

I remember when that song was Number 1 in the charts :)

Sarah xXx
Mad about Craft said…
Hi! Lizet & Dory
I haven't really dropped off the face of the earth, just been busy.
I remember this when it first came out, Paul McCartney looks so young!
We will meet up soon, I'll e-mail you.
Ang said…
I used to have this single when I was a kid! I love it!

La lala la la la Keeping us warm in the night...

Hope you're both feeling betterxx
Zinzia said…
Ik neurie dat liedje ook nog constant als de kinderen wenen;)
Anonymous said…
Ooooooooooh! I am browsing way back on your blog, but I just had to comment. I just dug up my record of this song from when I was a kid. My son has been playing it all the time. Now I will have to show him this video.
Your secrect coffee swap pal

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