Babyborn's soaker

Easy download here.

Lizzie’s Babyborn Soaker.

Fits a Babyborn doll of 43 cm.

Materials needed

30 gram Blue Faced Leicester Aran weight 167 metre/100 grams

Circular needle 4.5mm/ 40 cm

For the legs: 4 DPN’s/ 4.5mm or circular needle 4.5 mm) 60 mm (or more) if you’re planning magic loop.

Stitch marker

Darning needle

Optional: stitch holder

Explanation slip slip knit

Slip one stitch, then slip the next. Insert left needle into the front loops of the slipped stitches and knit them together from this position (through the back loops).

Knitting the soaker

Cast on 52 stitches. Place marker as beginning of round.

First round: Knit 2, Purl 2

Repeat this the next 6 rounds

Next round: Knit all stitches for one round.

Working short row

Knit 10, turn, Slip 1 Purl 19, turn

Slip 1, Knit 18, Slip next stitch to right needle, pick up stitch below with your left needle, put slipped stitch back on left needle, K1 (that is the slipped stitch), Knit picked up stitch and the next stitch together. Pull the yarn tight (not too tight) to avoid holes. Knit 30, slip next stitch to the right needle, pick up stitch below the next stitch with right needle. Put picked up stitch and slipped stitch back on the left needle, knit these 2 stitches together. Pull on yarn again. Knit 10.

Knit all stitches next round.

Work another short row

Knit 12 stitches from marker, turn

Slip 1, purl 23, turn.

Knit 22, Slip next stitch to right needle, pick up stitch below with your left needle, put slipped stitch back on left needle, Knit1 (that is the slipped stitch), knit picked up stitch and the next stitch together. Pull the yarn tight (not too tight) to avoid holes. Knit 26, slip next stitch to the right needle, pick up stitch below the next stitch with right needle. Put picked up stitch and slipped stitch back on the left needle, knit these 2 stitches together. Pull on yarn again. Knit 12

Knit until the front part measures 7 cm from the cast on stitches. End round at stitch marker.

From stitch marker: knit 15, bind off 4, knit 14, bind off 4, knit 15.

Working the back

Next round: knit 13, knit 2 together, turn

Purl 28 stitches, turn.

Round 1: slip slip knit, knit to last 2 stitches, knit 2 together, turn

Round 2: purl all stitches

Repeat round 1 and 2 until 10 stitches are left, end with knit round. Break off yarn. Leave stitches on needle or put them on a stitch holder.

Working the front

With right side facing join yarn. Knit 14, turn

Purl 14, turn.

Round 1: Slip slip knit, knit to last 2 stitches, knit 2 together, turn

Round 2: Purl all stitches, turn.

Repeat round 1 and 2 once more.

Then knit next row, turn

Purl next row, turn

Repeat these 2 rows 3 times. Break yarn, leaving long tail (20 cm).

Use the tail to graft together the back and front stitches.


Pick up 28 stitches with DPN or long circular ate leg opening. Knit 1 round.

Next 7 rounds: 2 knit, 2 purl.

Last round: bind off.

Weave in ends. Make an I-cord to your preference, thread the cord through the waistband.

Have fun with this soaker!



Tucana's Dream said…
whein! ik wil een poppendochtertje!!!
Dat A. maar rap nog wat groter is, dat is (gelukkig) zo'n poppenmoederke in spe! Toch iets dat ik een heel klein beetje mis bij T. ;-)
MorganMagic said…
deze ga ik zéker maken!!!!! ik heb dan wel geen baby meer, maar genoeg poppen met poppenmoedertje Sarah...
Een famke said…
wat lief....leuk ook een patroon erbij, een ideetje voor later misschien...

~RaenWa~ said…
That is so cute I love the color maybe one day I will make a pair even though I have no kids but I know alot of people who do
Marjon said…
Wat een super leuk idee!!
Wat een leuk patroon!!!
Anonymous said…
Hi I'm your UK swap pal! Look forward to stalking your blog and getting and know you. Hope you are well.
Ang said…
oh how sweet.
Olga said…
Ooh zo schattig! dat ga ik vast en zeker in de nabije toekomst eens maken.
Anonymous said…
Just what I needed! Thank you so much.

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