Rollicks again and a Tri-Peak hat

They are finished!

Easy peasy to knit and they fit well. Although if I do them again I won't go for the seed-stitch heelflap, it makes the heels a bit too wide.

And then a Tri-Peak hat. Easily knitted and kitchenered,I think it took not 3 hours. The wool is the handspun Corriedale I got from Sarah, brilliantly hand dyed by Dory. When I saw the Tri-Peak I suddenly knew this wool was perfect for it.


Myrthestiek said…
Great socks and a beautiful hat. Here none of the girls want to wear hats :-S.
MorganMagic said…
gorgeous colour and shape of the hat! and gorgeous daughter of course ;)
die muts staat haar mooi!!! Prachtig!!!
Olga said…
ze is er volgens mij heel blij mee, en terecht! en leuk dat ze zelf heeft geverfd ook!!!
BabyLongLegs said…
Excellent Hat :) You have a very talented dyer there :)
And the feet!


Sarah xXx

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