Is this a beginning?

Having 3 handspindles there's no excuse left. I have to learn spinning. To be honest, I tried several times, using online tutorials, but I did not get the hang of it. My big problem is to get the spindle twisting in the right direction. It just did not work out. Kind of frustrating. In the end I decided to look in that 'Spin it' book I have for some time now (and never looked at). There was one sentence about rolling the spindle on the leg towards the hip. I tried... and it worked! As there is some yarn around the shaft now, even the spinning itself seems to work.

Okay, the spun yarn looks very very slubby and I really hope it will improve.


Iam proud of you I dont think I could ever have the patience or be co-ordinated enough to spin but home spun is so yummy:) Darcy
Myrthestiek said…
Very good; I'm proud too ! With a handspindle I can't work, only with a wheel ;o).
It looks great, and when your technical skills improve you would only wish you can get an uneven yarn again.
MorganMagic said…
that's my next dream... spinning! I'd love to see how you make it work for you...
Een famke said…
Nou ik vind het er anders prima uit zien hoor! zeker voor het eerste begin, erg gelijkmatig.
je wordt vast vanzelf een geoefende spinster!

Irma said…
Het begin is gemaakt, nou nog the hang of it en het komt helemaal goed!
BabyLongLegs said…
I agree with Myrthestiek...I can't spin thickly and thin now to save my life!!! Howls

So glad you finally picked up the spindle and had a go.... :)
Watch out for that slippery slope now.....

Sarah xXx

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