Socks. Again.

I assumed the Beatrix socks would be easy to knit on the go as there is only a pattern in the back of the leg. Not entirely true. The pattern is not hard to follow, but is worked over 29 stitches, without any obvious repeating. So I had to pay attention to my knitting while doing the pattern, not always easy with a demanding toddler and two teens around. But the result is still neat. The used yarn is 'September' of Fyberspates, 50% merino and 50% tencel. Needle size 2.5 mm.

And these sock are also made during the holiday with leftover BFL sock yarn. Little Victorian Lace socks.


Myrthestiek said…
Wow, these are really nice, love the pattern !
The little ones are cute too.
Anonymous said…
Really nice, indeed! (ik kan zomaar replyen vandaag; computer is zeker in een goede bui ofzo)
Anonymous said…
Nice socks! I did the Apple Harvest with a pattern in the back. I like it.
Anonymous said…
wat een leuk patroon zeg!!
Irma said…
Die Beatrixjes zijn ECHT mooi
Gorgeous socks are those for Dorrit?
I wish I had the time and was quicker a knitter so I could make so many lovely pairs of socks.I love looking at all the beautiful socks you make Iam in awe of how quickly you can make them and the colors and designs are wonderful;)
Alice said…
Thank you all for the kind comments.
@ yvonnep: the Apple Harvest is one of the printed patterns here, meaning: on my 'to do' list.
@ Darcy: the little Victorians are Dorrit's indeed.
*Rae* said…
I love your socks seeing them makes me wish I knew enough & was good enough to make socks

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