Holiday part I ~Loudoun~

I have decided to publish our holiday to Scotland in parts, in order to relieve myself of spending too much time on the computer and to relieve you of reading tons of text and viewing all those photo's at the same time.
Actually this post is about the last part of our holiday, the day out to Loudoun Castle was chosen by our teens. They had a great day, other than their experiences in Alton Towers earlier this year, there were no queues anywhere for the rides. And -very unique- every member of our family is somewhere in a photo of that day.

The lady on the left is me ;). Doortje insisted to have her face painted. For the record: she wanted to be a sheep, so this painting is that of a pink sheep, LOL!

D's favourite ride, she is very into horsies at the moment. Here with her father.

Our teens in the dodgems. Just before we went to Scotland, R. (15) decided to have a haircut, he had his hair to his shoulders before. Totally different look, I was pretty shocked when he came back from the hairdresser, LOL.


*Rae* said…
Awww she looks so cute with her face all painted I am glad you guys had a good Holiday
Myrthestiek said…
Great to see a picture of you; you're not looking the way I imagened ;-).

Doortje looks great with her sheep-face. My DD is loving this picture and wanted it herself too.
N. Maria said…
How very sweet and cute she looks!
Tucana's Dream said…
Lizet, shock! :o
haha, ik moet myrthestiek gelijk geven vrees ik ;-)
Je ziet er helemaal anders uit dan ik me had voorgesteld...
Gelukkig is anders niet altijd slechter he, haha!
Doortje haar gezicht is prachtig gedaan! Het is iemand die er wat van kent, dat zie je meteen (zegt degene die jarenlang aan kindergrime gedaan heeft ;-))
Alice said…
Shocked? Hmm, I am wondering how you gals did think I would like (d**b blonde maybe?). And I was always thinking it was not that bad, LOL!

Thank you all for the compliments about Dorrits face paint. She was so proud!
Tucana's Dream said…
Ik denk dat ik tot nu toe niet echt doorhad dat jij eigenlijk de leeftijd van mijn moeder had, haha!
Daarmee bedoel ik niet oud, maar gewoon een andere generatie... ik had je jonger geschat, je komt in ieder geval niet zo 'oud' over als mijn moeder, maar eerder een beetje op dezelfde golflengte... dat heeft er veel mee te maken, haha!
Ik kon niet echt een beeld op je plakken, dus misschien was ik wel van eenders welke foto verschoten ;-)
Myrthestiek said…
Hee I didn't say it's bad! Only differend, maybe because we see the photos of Dorrit and she isn't realy your look-a-like ;-).

It's the risk you take when you never show up on a picture (BIG smile) !

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