Holiday part II ~Wool~

With all those sheep we met during our walks, I made the mistake to think there should be knitting wool in one of the many 'woollen mills'. Stupid thought, I have been in Edinburgh Mills more than once and they sell no yarn at all. But I didn't think of that, all I remembered was a Woollen Mills near Blarney Castle, where was a whole department of knitting wool. I have to say that was four years ago.
Nevertheless, when I found out there were 2 so called 'woollen mills' near us, I constrained the whole family to go with me :). But it was disappointing, no yarn. The lady I asked about it had to laugh when she heard my assumption. Another lady pointed me to a third woollen mill, they had sheep there, and as far she knew, there should be some wool as they also had spinning classes. She was correct about that. That mill had sheep, had spinning classes only at Saturdays (I was there on Friday) and they had a little knitting wool. And I have had a good conversation with a lady, learned a lot more about sheep and their wool and she has given me some useful tips. So the trip to the last mill was no waste time at all.
There is no such thing as 'accidence'. After our visit at the first two mills, we decided to stroll a bit through the near village. And found a little tiny shop with only local hand made items. A mother and daughter started this shop half a year ago. The mother spins wool and knits small items (scarves, hats, socks and toys) to sell, the daughter makes felted items. And a friend of them supplies home made soap. Fun for hours (for me, hubby and kids found the Toy Museum and enjoyed themselves there).


Myrthestiek said…
Those tiny little shops are most of the time my favorites too ;-).

It's a shame there aren't that many of them.
Alice said…
I agree with you there are too less of those. It is very expensive, the owners of that particular shop make just enough profit to pay the rent, the daughter had also another job in the nearby hotel, otherwise they could not afford it themselves.
Anonymous said…
Gek he, bij Woollen Mills heb je toch echt een wolwalhalla voor ogen....helaas! And if you've seen one, you've seen them all....ze hebben daar soms wel erg mooie travelrugs van 100% schotse wol; 't ene jaar mooiere kleuren dan het andere. Ik ben nog niet vaak mooie wol in Schotland tegengekomen, maar ik blijf zoeken! Soms moet je mazzel hebben, net als jij. Of net als Yvon het van de berghellingen verzamelen... (klusje voor de kids?)
Looks like you found some wooly sheep;) good job!!!

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