Belated birthday parcel

"Oh, it is a parcel for me," D. said immediately as the postman handed it over. And yes, it was for her. When she was unwrapping all the gifts she said: "It is for my birthday." Right again. Well, not all of it, this beautiful set was just a gift, not especially birthday related, the other packages were indeed her belated birthday presents. And she is pampered again with such gorgeous gifts. And very very happy.

She started beading immediately, giving me the time to make a proper picture of the other items.

Except for the trousers and sleeveless cardigan also two pairs of matching socks (green with crabs, lilac with butterflies); a real ladies bag in her favorite colour and a tote which contents hair elastics and clips. Myrthestiek, how did you know how we always run out of those and never have a clue were they are?

Doortje insisted to put on the new clothes at once. "I am looking very pretty."
(All the quoted text she spoke in English. During our holidays we realized she barely pronounces a full sentence in Dutch anymore. We have to work on that. We had to translate some Dutch words in English for her, before she comprehended what we meant).
And pretty she is. Myrthestiek, thanks so much for those precious gifts, we are so thrilled!


Myrthestiek said…
You're very welcome. Even if the gifts were shameful late, I'm very glad she (and you) likes it.

And how I know about it all? :-)) Having a almost-four-year-old myself is a big bonus.

I recognise the problem with de language. The boys from my brother are raised with two languages, but when they are back in their birth country it's very hard for them to speak Thais. All the new words they learn are in Dutch and they don't know how to put it right in Thais.
Irma said…
Wat is tweetaligheid toch bijzonder! Wij doen er niet genoeg moeite voor, eigenlijk jammer.
En ja die goede smaak van cadeautjes...die kan ik ook wel verklaren...ik heb ook een maar haar roze periode begonnen. "nee, mama, ik wil niet die, ik wil een ROZE spijkerjack en ik wil ook een roze jurk" *gggg*
Alice said…
Pink, purple and lilac. The Favourite colours of D.
And I am glad we are not the only people in the world always who always lose hairbands and -clips.

I think it will be a benefit for D. (and R. and J.) to be bilingual. But they are forgetting their Dutch in a way. Some things are litteraly translated into Dutch again. Big fun! (what to think of words like 'bedkamer, halweg, glazen (ipv bril) or optrap (ipv boven).
Anonymous said…
O, how sweet of Tessa!!! And D is really pretty in it, indeed!!
Gorgeous outfit love the sparkly purse and since I have a 3 yr old Daughter and a 1 yr old Daughter I know I will need alot of hair bands in their life yeah for Dorrit what a wonderful package;)

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