Stitch markers, Vintage Socks and Indigo.

In the mail this week a lovely set of stitch markers. Ladybirds, so well chosen. Thanks so much Lieke, in the mean time I managed to take them out of the dolls house and to put them in my knitting bag.
And because I am one of the participants in the Vintage Socks swap it occurred to me it could be a benefit to order the book. And I am glad I did, it is full of beautiful sock patterns.

I also tried out to dye with Indigo. Before I believed it was a very difficult dye to use, now I know better. Dyeing with Indigo is pretty easy to do and a bit magical. In the vat the wool (and dye) are a greenish yellow, the horrid shade of this colour. As soon as the wool comes out of the vat and is exposed to the air, the colour changes into blue.

The large skein is a Scottish Highland pure new wool, the smaller skein is 75% BFL/ 25% nylon.


Myrthestiek said…
Your skeins are beautiful (as always).

The book sounds great. Hopefully we'll see many beautiful projects out of it on your blog ;-).
Storm said…
I saw your yarns and had to spread the word. Just doin my duty to the yarn world. (-= Have a good day.
Anonymous said…
I'm glad you liked them, and managed to take them from the dollhouse :-)
Irma said…
Wat een schattige stekenmarkeerders!
En die indigo...het je 'de echte' of de synthetische variant geprobeerd?

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