
"Who is this?" Dory is holding a chocolate figure she just got from her Aunt. "That is Sinterklaas," I told her. She investigated the figure. "No, this is a wizard!" she decided.

Santa Claus is called a 'little gnome' by her...


Tijm said…
SInterklaas is maar vroeg bij jullie!?
En inderdaad, kinderen die nooit in aanraking zijn geweest zullen Sinterklaas als tovernaar zien, nu ik er zo ver denk, hij heeft wel wat van de directeur van Zweinstein.
Myrthestiek said…
The fantasy of children is such a great gift ;-).

I can imagion it is very confusing for her Sinterklaas and Santa. But when they get gifts from them it's all right.
Alice said…
Volgens mijn zus liggen de winkels in NL al vol met Sint en Piet spullen :).

She does not know Dumblemore and Harry Potter yet, but the chocolate figure was dressed in a purple robe. And wizards often are pictured in a purple oufit and with a white beard.

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