Back home again!

I could never imagine the weather would be so warm during our holiday in the Netherlands. Temperatures above 25 degrees all days and very sunny. We don't have to seek the sun in the Mediterranean anymore (I must admit we never do sun holidays, LOL), the end of April in the Netherlands will do the trick ;-).
We had a good time anyway. Of course we had too little summer clothing, forgot all about the sun lotion and a sun cap for Doortje, but we managed to live with that :-).

With the family we celebrated Doortjes third birthday. She is spoiled rotten that day.

Here is Doortje showing her ice cream. The thing she loved most about the buffet arrangement was the free ice cream every evening... or two (or even three). Healthy food? She has lived on a diet of chips, peas and ice cream this holiday.

A family photo of her birthday with brothers and cousins.

In the parc a lot of animals like ducks, squirrels and deers. And because of the ponds also many mosquito's, yuck!

Regardless where we are, she is happy if there is a playground around!

And her mum is content when she has something to knit. I brought four projects with me, only one project is finished.

The second and third almost (a pair of shorts and a cardigan).

For sad reasons the wedding we should attend was cancelled. Instead of that we decided to go to the Open Air Museum by Public Transport. It took us three hours (!) to get there, whereas by car it would have been about one hour.

Doortje loved it anyway and we did see a small part of the museum. It is really amazing.

Unfortunately we had a car breakdown when driving back to the boat. Transmission problems. The insurance company has taken good care of everything. The car was loaded on a truck when still in the Netherlands and brought to the sailing port.

Back in Hull the car was loaded to another truck that brought us home.

Sailing out. Bye bye Holland!

Back home the weather was nice but very chilly. Doortje was not used to this anymore and wanted to put her coat on when walking with her dollies.


Anonymous said…
Leuk dat je er weer bent. Volgens mij kun je nu gaan uitrusten na al je ervaringen :)
Speelplaatsen staan hier ook nummer 1. Laatst een lammetjesdag: Ja leuk mama, dag lammetje, hallo speeltuin! LOL
Myrthestiek said…
Zo te lezen een turbulente vakantie. Nog van harte gefeliciteerd met D's verjaardag. Een hele bekende poppenwagen ;)
Alice said…
@Irma: ik begrijp precies wat je bedoeld! En dan maar proberen het kind weer mee naar huis te krijgen als het daar tijd voor is :-).

@Myrthestiek: de poppenwagen heeft ze geerfd van de nichtjes die zich er inmiddels wat te groot voor voelen. Behoorlijk favoriet, de wagen moet overal mee naar toe.
serajah said…
leuk dat je weer terug bent van vakantie!

Alsnog gefeliciteerd met Doortje haar verjaardag

Groetjes Serajah

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