
Kind of own design, knitted top-down. Used yarn is Drops Karisma, the colours are chosen by Dory.

Some words about the yarn: the colours did not meet my expectations, the yarn itself was fine to knit.


MorganMagic said…
she'll look so cute in this! make sure to post a picture with the princess wearing her new jumper ;-)
MorganMagic said…
(but I get what you said about the colours now)
Myrthestiek said…
Ziet er erg mooi uit.

Jammer dat de kleuren zo afweken van het verwachte.
Owlet said…
It looks great! but I totally understand what you say about the colours. A couple of weeks a go I ordered some Karisma and I was really disappointed by the colors. Especially the orange was way more earthy and toned down then I thought it would be.

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