Much ado about spinning

Some ramble about my spinning adventures. This here is merino

Made into a tote. One photo before and one after felting. I have to admit I am very pleased with the result

It came out just as I imagined.

Also... I ordered some Superwash BFL Top at Babylonglegs. 'Very Berry' and some undyed BFL fibre

Superspeedy delivery and it came with some coffee. ;-)

The 'Very Berry' is on the wheel now and it spins up beautiful. I so love it!

Today I played a bit with this new drum carder

First I tried some Merino

A nice first batt came off

Second try out was some raw fleece of an Ouessant

And here is the batt. Not bad at all, but this fleece was more difficult to card. Well, I will give the fleece some much needed more washes before I try again anyway.


MorganMagic said…
I recognise the gorgeous felted tote! :)
it's been used as of today, for my crochet projects!
MorganMagic said…
(I must say the last pics are a bit less... yummie :p I guess I'm more of a yarn person than someone who loves where it came from)
Een famke said…
Prachtig, je hebt de smaak van het spinnen behoorlijk te pakken zo te zien. De getwijnde wol is zo mooi! Vaak vind ik het zonde om er iets van te maken. Het verloop in kleur, ik kan er eindeloos naar kijken!

De tas is prachtig geworden, heerlijk om zo bezig te zijn!

Just amazing the whole process:)Hugs Darcy
~RaenWa~ said…
Everytime I see someone spin something or show fiber pics it makes me want to learn to spin. Very berry is a great color
Myrthestiek said…
The tote is great. Lovely nice job you did spinning.

Have fun with your drum carder. A new toy to spend your time with :oD.
BabyLongLegs said…
You felted handspun!!! **thud**
hehehe.......the tote looks fab..... :D
Glad you like your SW's a dream to spin isn't it??

Hugs....and enjoy the coffee :D

S xXx
MorganMagic said…
you have been awarded creatively ;) go check my blog
I love your new blog it is so beautiful:)Hugs Darcy

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