Parcel from an Angel

My BFF Darcy is a sweetheart. She was feeling so sorry for me I had to wait that long for my parcel in the UK swap and decided to step in as an Angel. Of course there was no need to do so, I'd had been contacted by my upstream partner again, she was dealing with some health problems.
The angel package was delivered today. The delivery itself was kind of a miracle, a Royal Mail van stopped by when I was walking along the main road in the neighbourhood. The driver asked me if my address was ... and handled me the parcel over. He had been at the door, but as I was out, he took the parcel back again.

The alpaca and malabrigo are amazing soft. And the 3 balls of cotton are lovely.

A handfelted soap, cedarwood and eucalyptus. Can't wait to take a shower!

A sheep with chocolates. That is definitely not mine. :-)

Celestial Seasonings, Vanilla Strawberry Rose. Yummy! Will try it this afternoon.

Acid dyes. They always come in handy.

Okay. This is meant to sew into a knitting bag and send back again. Are there many knitters out there who love sci-fi, fantasy and maybe role playing? I do.

My UK swap partner let me know she is going to post the parcel today. So stay tuned for another photo session!


MorganMagic said…
you deserve an angel visit ;) just enjoy!!!
Yeah it arrived!!! lov ya BFF Darcy
Dawn said…
What a beautiful package from a beautiful lady!
~RaenWa~ said…
That was so sweet of her to send that to you I can't wait to see what you make
Jane Doe Jenn said…
A lovely package! Can't wait to see the finished Star Wars bag when you are done with it. Please post a photo or two. We love Star Wars - my entire family is right into Star Wars and that kind of thing. I should find a star wars dish cloth pattern to knit.

What a great friend you have!

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