A sheep for a sheep

My girl loves to play sheep. She is walking on hands and feet trough the house and if you ask her something, you can have some baaing as answer. So it is no surprise that she is completely in love with sheep. Tessa knows this and those who read her blog might remember this post. Well, the bag came in last week, together with a lot of other gorgeous presents! Dory won't separate with this bag anymore.

There was a problem with the other gifts, besides of the grabbing-all-the-toys girl, the batteries of the camera died. Unexpected? Oh yes. Those long-lasting batteries were only in use for two days. I managed to take this photo as well

Lovely hand spun wool, a stripy kitten and a coffee cup dish cloth! The kitty is Dorrit's. She lost it the next day while shopping. Lucky for her and me, a little boy found that precious toy and put it on top of a microwave (well, it was in the Food Court of Cheshire Oaks...).
I've bought some new batteries (a real brand!) and took some photo's the day after

I was not allowed to put every toy on the picture, some had to stay in the sheep bag. Like a 'Little Pony' and a transparent ball with a horsie in it. And the coins, still in the sheep. The chocolate lollipops are gone in her belly :).

And she did not forget me. Apart from that lovely hand spun and the fabulous dish cloth, there was a package of coffee pods; a oil burner and some flagrant oils and chocolate. The other sweets were already eaten (two teens in the house).
Dear Tessa, thanks you so much!


Myrthestiek said…
You're so very welcome. We loved to put it together, and is nice to know it is all your taste :o).
Olga said…
leuk hé dat poesje! wat lief al die cadeautjes!
Anonymous said…
Wat een prachtige kado's!
Datoesjes is ook erg leuk ;)
Anonymous said…
moet natuurlijk zijn dat poesje....
Kan nergens een wijzigingknop vinden.....

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