Darcy's socks.

Darcy is a very good friend of mine. Although we have never met each other in real life and there is a lot of distance between us (she is in California, I am in the Northwest of England), she feels like a sister to me. We email a lot, almost every day, about all kind of things.
Because she is recovering now from some major surgeries, I felt I had to make her something. She told me once she loves greens and Elfine, so it was not difficult to decide what it would be.
The wool I used is 75% BFL/25% nylon superwash sock wool, kettle dyed by myself. It was the first time I knitted with this wool. It is very soft, has however a slightly tendency of splitting.


*Rae* said…
Those are so cute I am sure she will love them
My hubby said they are really neat no one has ever done for me what you do Iam in awe of your selflessness everyday you are my dear sister!!! I will send pictures tonight of the northern lights socks Iam making you to keep your feet warm this winter and sparkly;) Hugs Darcy
Alice said…
I am looking forward to the sparkling and warm socks! The pictures you showed me are really nice!
My friend Jo picked up some gold yarn that glitters like tinsel on a christmas tree to put around the cuff of the socks Iam going to make Dorrit it will look great with the baby blue of the socks so she can have sparklys too.The name of the yarn for your socks is called Dusk I just think it reminds me of a twinkly nights sky so Iam calling the color northern lights.Hugs my friend Darcy

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