Socks of this week

First of all the pink socks are finished. I used a leftover of 50 grams of this self patterning Opal, enough for a pair of trainer socks. There is even some wool left. I'm not very content how they turned out however, I used needle size 2.5 mm and I find the stitches are too loose and therefor a bit irregular. Size 2 mm knit a bit to tight though, so I guess 2.25 mm would be best with this yarn. Alas I don't have them. And I haven't seen Addi 100 cm circulars that size. So if anyone knows where they are available or do know a good alternative, please let me know ;).

Oh, I like unequal patterned socks :).

And then I felted a pair of socks into slippers for D. That was not my intention, I knew I had to wash them by hand. The socks were in a pile of wash I put in the machine without sorting it first. A bad thing to skip, everyone knows, but it happened. After a 40 degrees cycle, the came out a lot smaller than they were before. After 2 more cycles they are nearly Doortjes size, so she has got herself a pair of new slippers. She does not want to wear them though, she is not fond of slippers.

Third sock project this week are the Elfine socks. A very nice project to knit. I use the Opal sock wool I purchased some weeks ago and they are turning out very neat. This time I'm using a 2 mm circular. The stitches are very even now, but it is a bit to stiff.


Myrthestiek said…
(especially for Darcy I'll try to do it in English *g*)

Lovely socks. The colors are great, I do like the unequal pattern too.
"Het Stookhok" do have Chinese Bamboo circular needles in size 2.25 100 cm long. The Addi's I never have seen either.

The slippers for D. are so cute. Here the little one's do love slippers more than ordinairy socks. If they have the chance, they will wear only slippers and no socks. The absolute favourite is bare feet :-).
Thankyou for commenting in english your sweet:) The socks are gorgeous my favorite pattern hoping someday to get to knit this pattern.I love looking at what Lizet knits always beautiful:)
Jenneke said…
Your Elfine socks are looking great! I love this pattern. Sorry about the felted slippers... My dear BF thought he'd surprise me by doing the laundery once and I had a similar result. I keep my handknits in a seperate laundry bag now.
N. Maria said…
I like the unique character in unequal patterned socks!
Good job!
I'm a loose knitter and always have to go down a size from what is recommended. Skinny needles are my life.
Alice said…
Thanks ladies!
@ Myrthestiek: most people I know are not fond about those Chinese needles. And the cord does not look very flexible to me. I have had a circular needle once with a similar cord and it was horrible to use.
And D. loves bare feet also best :)
@ Jenneke: the seperate laundry bag is an excellent idea!

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