Day off to Chester

Chester is a very nice county town to visit. For us it is the nearest 'big' town to do our shopping. Today D. and me went to Chester by bus. There was a bit of arguing about that before... she likes to go by train. Going by bus has some advantages however, the bus stop is at ten minutes walk from our home and the bus stops in the town centre of Chester. For the rail stop we have to walk at least 20 minutes presuming Doortje would go on. And the bus is half the price of the train. So, this time, the bus prevailed. We had a nice day, bit clouded, but dry. Of course we walked part of the Castle Walls , as she loves to climb up and down the stairs. And we did some shopping. She kind of talked me into making your own stitch markers. And as it happens there is a small Bead Shop in Frodsham Street. What I did not know until today: D. loves beads! She insisted on filling her own bowl with all kind of beads. It took me ten minutes or so to put the beads (and buttons and flowers) back...