I won, I won!

Browsing through some blogs to find that PIF button, I saw the new post on Sarah's blog. I am so excited, only a few weeks ago I said I never did win anything and now this! Thanks so much, Sarah and son!


BabyLongLegs said…
You are so welcome :)
I showed my boys who you were and what you did, and both were very impressed......LOL...."Her trousers are much better than yours Mummy" ....KIDS!!!
Message me on Ravelry with your email address, and we can sort out what you might like :)
I already have something in mind....... *winks*

Sarah xXx
Myrthestiek said…
Congrats, you lucky one. So there is still hope for all of us who never win anything ;-).
Iam also doing the PIF on my blog have yet to see the movie Congratulations;) Darcy
Anonymous said…
Wat een leuk idee, en gefeliciteerd!
Ik ben druk bezig met nog meer kadootjes voor je. Het wordt duidelijk niet de eerste magische bol die aankomt, maar ik doe mijn best om het voor de 30e bij je te krijgen...
Je magische bol maatje

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